Thursday, June 9, 2011

Mt. Hebron Baptist Church members

In 2008 I visited Samford University, Birmingham, AL, with my cousin. I was delighted to find microfilms of the original church records from Mt. Hebron Church, Leeds, AL. This is where Davidson, Margaret, Mahala, Eliza, John L., and other McGuires worshipped. At least, they worshipped there at some point. Davidson was kicked out once for overimbibing, but was readmitted. John L. was kicked out for swearing, and there's no record of him going back. Nice.

Mt. Hebron Church is about six miles south of Leeds, AL, on Route 119. Now that we've pinpointed Davidson's land as just outside the center of town near the current LeHigh Cement company, it's possible to estimate how long it took them to get to church. If one accepts the published rule of thumb that a loaded carriage can go four to six miles an hour, Davidson and Margaret had to drive one hour to church, give or take a few minutes.

A bit later I transcribed the membership list, thinking to post it online to help others who have helped me. Duh. Three years later it's finally getting posted. Better late than never, I guess.

The list is transcribed as written, spelled, and capitalized. The names are grouped together in bunches of about 10 for ease of reading. There were no extra line spaces in the original book.

I transcribed this list from copies of microfilms, which themselves were copies. There are probably mistakes, but at least it's a good start. As always, please use this list as a starting point for your own research and prove it, prove it, prove it!

Here's the list:

February the 10th, 1825
Names of the members that was at the Constition of Hebron Church (in pencil) 1819

1. John Pool
2. Huldah Pool
3. James Herring
4. William Pool
5. Nancy Wyatt
6. Thomas McAdams
7. Mary McAdams
8. Nancy Howard *
9. Job Mason
11. Jonathan Dunham
12. William Dunham

The following members has been added since the Constitution

13. Joseph Ray
14. James Hathorn
15. Flora Neal
16. Isaac Foreman
17. Frances Foreman
18. Thomas Fant
19. James Chaney
20. Elizabeth Chaney
21. John McDonald, Sen.
22. Rachel McDonald
23. Henry Cox
24. Jane Cox
25. Alexander Godwin

26. Sister Godwin
27. Kiziah McLaughlin
28. Allen McDonald ?
29. Phebe McDonald
30. Jesse Sparks
31. Mary Sparks
32. Thomas Cox
33. Hannah Whitfield
34. William White
35. Melinda D. Cox

36. William McCain
37. Margret McCain
38. William Ray
39. Nancy Ray
40. James Wyatt, Sen.
41. Anna Ray (MN Wyatt)
42. William Dunham
43. Mary Dunham
44. William Wyatt
45. Sarah McGuire, Sen.

46. Mitchell Pool
47. Susan Herring
48. James Armstrong, Sen.
49. Susan Armstrong, Sen.
50. Bob, a servant
51. Anthony, a servant
52. Andrew McCain
53. Margaret McCain
54. Robert McCain
55. Jane P. McCain

56. Abraham Nations, Sen.
57. Rebecca Nations, Sen.
58. Ann Hardin
59. Isaac, a servant
60. Lacy, a servant
61. Mary, a servant
62. Dorcas Townsend
63. Anna McLelon (?)
64. Thomas McLelon (?)
65. Susan Townsend

66. Nancy Oliver (MN Drummond)
67. James Loven?
68. Thomas Loven?
69. William ? Robinson
70. Sarah Loven ?
72. John, a servant of Jas. Cameron
73. John, a servant
74. Mary McLelon ?
75. Joseph Neal

76. Esther Neal
77. Mahaley Worthy
78. Rose, a servant of Wm. Watson
79. William Oliver
80. Jane McLenden (same as McLenon?)
81. Nancy Robtson ? (MN Butler)
82. Margaret McDonald (MN McClung)
83. Alexander Langley
84. Anna Mason
85. Pattey, a servant of R. S. Shepherd?

86. Ann Jones
87. Susan Harris
88. Wiley Wyatt?
89. Elizabeth Hutchingson
90. Sarah, a sevant
91. Billy, a servant of John McDanal (can’t read) ?
92. Sally, a servant of Tidwell?
93. Pero, a servant?
94. Primus, a servant
95. Lewis, a servant

96. Anna Hutchingson
97. Allen Herring
98. Jesse Wyatt
99. Mary Masewater?
100. Sarah M. Cameron
101. Winney, a servant ?
102. Stephen, a servant of J. Wilder ?
103. Jerry, a servantof Jordan ?
104. Louiza, a servant of Jones
105. Thomas Carroll

106 Ann Carroll
107. Emily, a servant of Wm. Cameron
108. Asa Wyatt (next door to Timothy McGuire, James Herrin, and Allen McDonald in Jeff. Co. in 1840. Also Peyton Worthey, Mitchell Pool, Bailey, etc.
109. Cintha Wyatt
110. Falby McDonald
111. John Glison
112. Harbard Suggs (maybe related to harbert T. Sugg in MS in 1850?) (Could be the same as Harbard Sugg in either Franklin or Fayette Counties AL in 1840) (1830 either Bedford, TN, or Franklin, AL)
113. Rebecca Suggs
114. David McDonald
115. John McDonald, Jr.

116. Eliza Cox (MN Wood)
117. Annie Cameron
118. Thomas Lowery
119. Martha Lowery
120. Louisa McDonald (MN McDanal)
121. Mary McDonald (MN Hawkins)
122, Abram, a servant of R. S. Shepherd
123. Ned Potter (free colored)
124. John Lowery, Sr.
125. Nancy, a servant of Shepherd

126. William, a servant of J. A. Given
127. Crofford, a servant of R. S. Shepherd
128. Jim a servant of R. S. Shepherd
129. Esther, a servant of R. S. Shepherd
130. Robert G. Cox
131. Daniel. P. White
133. Polley Ann White (MN McDanal)
134. Peter, a servant of John McDanal)
135. Mark, a servant

136. William H. McDanal
137. Ellis, a sevant of R. S. Shepherd
138. Peyton Worthy
139. Sarah Worthy
140. Martha Worthy (MN White)
141. Mary Worthy
142. John P. Herring
143. Hester Herring
144. Lewis W. Herring
145. James Armstrong, Jr. (In Shelby COunty in 1850:

146. Nancy Wilburn
147. Joel Harris
148. Anna Harris
149. Henry Widimon, Sen.
150. Levi Armstrong
151. John Nations (Walker County, AL. 1830; St. Clair County, AL, 1840)
152. Lucinda Nations
153. William C. McLaughlin??
154. ?
155. Moses Wyatt

156. Abrahm Nations, Sen.
157. Rebecca Nations, Sen.
158. Fieldin Waldrop
159. John McDanal, Sen.
160. George Whitfield (married Mary Kendrick in Shelby County in 1841.
161. Mary Whitfield
162. William Whitfield
163. Lemuel Faulker
164. Destimony Falkner
165. Isaac McLaughlin

166. John McLaughlin (1830 Shelby County, AL: (1840 Shelby County, AL:
167. Margaret McLaughlin
168. Elizabeth Nations
169. H. B. Moor
170. Jensey Moor
171. Amy Moor (MN McLaughlin)
172. Hezekiah Moor, Jr.
173. Joseph Moor
175. Elizabeth Kelley--this is probably after 1836, when the Sr. Charles Kelley has died, or else he’d be listed here, too.)

176. John Kelley
177. Davidson McGuire (This happened in April, 1835, according to the notes)
178. Margaret McGuire
179. Kutha Suggs
180. Jesse Howard
181. Sister Howard
182. Briant Herring
183. Daniel McDonald
184. Daniel Hillburn
185. Nancy Herring

186. Mahaley Armstrong (Probably Mahala Kelley, daughter of Charles Kelley & Elizabeth Howard)
187. Rebecca Whitfield
188. Sarah C. Whitfield
189. Rose, a servant of not ? Hayse
190. Alsey, a servant of Jemy McDanal
191. Julia, a servant of C. Thompson
192. Nancy E. White
193. Mary, a servant of B.White
194. Pattey, a servant of B. White
195. James Kendrick

196. Frances Kendrick
197. Sarah J. Moor (MN McGuire)
198. Elizabeth Moor
199. Permelia, a sevant
200. Isaac Herring
201. Isaac McGuire
202. Sarah McLendon
203. Tabitha McLendon
204. James McDonald
205. William B. Herring

206. Amanda Herring (MN Bass)
207. Thomas C. Crocker
208. Katharine McDonald
209. Giles Hollingsworth
210. Mary Holingswroth
211. Demus Ray
212. Andrew McDanal
213. Geroge, a sevant of R.S. Shepherd
214. Caleb, a sevant of Jemy McDanal ?
215. Eli Adkins

216. Frances Adkins
2217. Eliza, a sevant of W. Gilbert
218. Shackleford’s sevants dismissed
219. Rebecca McLendon
220. Amos Hutchingson
221. William Chennault
222. Nancy Chennault, Sen.
223. Fancy ?, a sevant of Jas H. Neal
224. Dolley, a sevant of Mrs ? Kirk?
225. Jef ? , a sevant of Beavers

226. Clary, a servant of Hutchinson, 227. Jane, a sevant of Wm. Oliver
228. Martha Lawley
229. Sarah Roberson
230. Mary Nutt
231. Phebe Mize
232. John Chennault, Sen.
233. Reubin Bowlin
234. Thomas B. Bagwell
135. John B. Obarr

136. Nancy Chennault, Jr. (MN Lowery)
237. ?
238. Samuel Thompkins
239. Eliza Thompkins
240. Isaac Howard
241. Marth Howard
242. Melinda Howard
243. Nancy Redding
244. Mary Armstrong (MN Bragg)
245. Lucinda Armstrong (MN Wilbrun)

246. Thomas Worthy
247. Lodema Pool (MN Sea??)
248. Priscilla Pool (MNMcLaughlin)
249. James Wyatt, Jr.
250. William Smith
251. Sister Smith

Resolutions & quarys & Rules altered

252. Eda Jacket or Sacket
253. Ursula, a sevant of Mrs. ? Hays
254. William Cain
255. Icey/ Bricey? McLendon

256. Felix G. Smith
257. Mary Smith
258. John Watson
259. Elizabeth Smith
260. Benjamin Smith
261. Sister Watson
262. Margaet Watson
263. Robert Kelley
264. Alexander Watson
265. Martha Isbell

266. William Watson
267. Bufford Moor
268. Alva H. McDonald
269. Melvina I. McDonald (MN Byers)
270. Elizabeth M. Pool (married Robert B. Jones)
271. Timothy McGuire
212. Mary A. Wyatt
273. J. J. Byers
274. Elizabeth Herring
275. John R. McDanal

276. Rebecca Hall
277. Henry Lowery
278 France Marion Hall??
279. James J.? Wyatt
280. Eliza Pool
281. Fr. Marion McDanal
282. Nathan McDanal
283, Elizabeth McDanal, Sen.
284. Elizabeth McDanal, Jr.
285. Anna Kelley (This is October 1849, as mentioned in the notes)

286. Isaac M. Pool
287. Napoleon McDanal
288. Lucinda McLaughlin
289. Marion McLaughlin
390. Bradley White
291. Samuel Wiles White
292. Nancy Glass
293. Alford M. Jones
294. Reuben Rodgers
295. Alexander Hall

296. Elizabeth Hall
297. Jeremiah W. McDanal, Jr.
298. James A. Moor
299. Henry Smith White
300. Mahaley McGuire (daughter of Davidson & Margaret McGuire. This is prior to 1850, as she was in parents’ household)
301. Martha Jane Hardin (MN Kelley)
302. Margaret C. Harden (MN Godwin)
303. Martha Jane Byram
304. Soophrona McDonald
305. Mary Caroline Byers (MN Moor)

306. Martha Mary Moor
307. Wilburn Little
308. Henry Little, Jun.
309. Caroline Hutton
310. Maryann Lowery
311. Sarah White
312. Charles Kelley (son of Charles Kelley, Sr. This is October 1849)
313. Esther White
314. Jane Whitfield
315. Raiborn Wyatt

316. Jane White (MN LIttle)
317. Marion Lowery
318. Eve, a sevant of Phebe McDanal
319. Phebe, a sevant of R. S.Sheperd
320. ??
321. James K. Byers
322. Arena (Ary) Byers
323. Mary McDanal, Sen.
324. Reuben, a sevant of R. S. Shephed
325. Lige, a sevant of N. McDanal

326. Z. W. H. Acton
327. Zilpha Acton
328. Elizabeth Bragg
329. Moren Bragg
330. Lanzalot Armstrong
331. Sarah Armstrong
332. Garland Jones
333. Willa Jones
334. Sarah Jones
335. Nancy Jones

336. Nicholas Hardin
337. William Acton
338. Elilzabeth Acton (his wife)
339. William Howard, Sen.
340. Hiram Armstrong
341. Green Berry Armstrong
342. Eliza E. McGuire
343. Elbert Armstrong
344. Pinckney Bass
345. Amanda Herring (wife of L. W. H.)

346. Lucyann Armstrong
347. Nancy White, Jr.
348. Sarah Lowery
349. Leonard Burrus McDonald
350. Eliza, a servant of R. S Shepherd
351. David Overton, Sen.
352. Samuel P. Byers
353. John Lowery
354. Mary Lowery, Jno’s wife
355. Jane H. Oliver

356. Anna Olive
357. Manson Glass
358. Margeret Lesley
359. John McGuire (son of Davidson & Margaret McGuire. This is on October 5, 1852)
360. Rachel McDonald
361. Elizabeth Byers or Byram
362. Mary, can’t read
363. Jefferson Weaver
364. Milly Lesley
365. Sarah Lowery

366. John Robert Goodwin
367. Colon Goodwin
368. Evan E. Moor
369. John J. McDanal
370. Mary L. Inzer
371. Macy C. Inzer
372. M. L. Inzer
373. Nancy Inzer, his wife
374. WIlliam M. Inzer
375. Iva, a servant of Isaac Johnson
376. Rebecca Howard
Demira Armstrong

December Term 1865
the following names is a list of the members that now belongs to Hebron Church


Allen McDonald
D. P. White
W. H. McDanal
John McLaughlin
W.P. Herring
John R. McDanal
Samuel P . Byers
Samsom Glazer
John D. McDanal
M. L. Inzer
John Glass
Robert Little
Joseph Byrum
G. B. Franklin
John L. Massey
Rayburn Wyatt
Isaac Loney ?
J. B. Elard
Andrew J. Ellard
/ McDanal
W. I. McDonald
Robert W. McDanal
James H. White
? B. McDanal
Wiley Carton?


Peby McDonald
Susan Herring
Louiza McDanal
Mary Hawkins
Mary Ann McDanal
Mary Worthy
Lodema Scott
Nancy Lowery
Marthy J. Courson
Saphrona Ellard
Marthy M. Herring
Easter White
Jane Little
Mary McDanall
Elizabeth Deshazo
Mary Easters
Nancy White
Nancy Inzer
Loucinda White
Sarry Byers
Margaret Elard (dismissed)
Arrena Owens
Tennifra Glass
Nancy Massey
Casady McDana
Elixa M. Massy
Mary E. McDanal
Malvina Lowery
Mary A. Byrum
Julan Hollinsworth
Nancy Loneys ?
Martha McDanal
Nancy McDonald
E. C. Byrum
J. G. McDonald
Mary McDonald
E. A . WHite
E. Owis
Sarah Massey
Martha Massey
Avaline ? McDanal
Martha McDanal, ?

(In the church records, there are notes in columns that follow each name. Below is a list of symbols that explain each note.
@ = Baptized

# = Received by letter

& = Restored

* = Dismissed by letter

$ = Excommunicated

∞ -= Dead

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Davidson's land in Leeds

Isn't the Internet a wonderful thing?????

Through using books and the Internet we can now pinpoint where Davidson's land was.

Using Family Maps of Jefferson County: Homesteads Edition by Gregory A. Boyd, J.D. (Arphax Publishing Co., we learn that Davidson's land was located at Alabama's Twp 17-S, Range 1-E, Section 21 on the Huntsville meridian.

Next we go to Enter the coordinates as listed above. Press "enter." You will get the latitude and longitude of the section. Next ask to fly it on Google Earth. (You may have to add the free app.) When you do, the satellite pictures focus on the requested location BY MAGIC!!

The pinpoint is in the center of the section. Referring to Davidson's parcel on Family Maps, you can see that the parcel is to the right and just a bit lower than the pin. Which puts Davidson's land along a road along the outskirts of the big quarry and pits. This land is probably owned by the Portland Cement Company/Lehigh Cement. Lehigh Cement celebrated its 100th anniversary in 1997, according to a flyer on display at the Jonathon Bass House and Museum.

Why is this important?

In 1884 James McLaughlin got Davidson's heirs to sign off on their shares so he could sell the property. Guess where James's family's land was? You got it: same section as Davidson's. Guess who's located there now, too? Yup. Lehigh Cement.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Could Britta have come from St. Clair County?

In short, yes.

This trip to Alabama, I had the luck to visit the town of Leeds, where Davidson and Margaret lived, and where John L. was born. Leeds is one of only two towns in AL to be located in three counties: Shelby, Jefferson, and St. Clair. The city is located on the well-known Montevallo to Ashville stagecoach route. That's Route 411/119. I drove as far as Mt. Hebron Church, where Davidson, Margaret, John L., and other McGuires worshipped. It's about six miles south of town on the left hand side of the road in Jefferson County.

Turning around and heading north (actually northeast) along 119, I passed Deshazo Dr. on the right, Thomas Rowan's restored Rowan Oaks house on the left; Jonathon W. Bass's lovely gingerbread house on the right, all in Jefferson County. Going through the center of town, I passed into St. Clair County when 119 became 411 again. About four miles north of town was Bethel Church on the right.

Members earlier associated with Mt. Hebron founded Bethel Baptist Church in 1832. In fact, one of the reasons they gave for starting BBC was that that "it was too far to drive an ox cart to Hebron for services..." A quick history of BBC is located here:

We know for a fact that Davidson's land was located near the current LeHigh Cement company. (See my recent post for the exact location and satellite image.) At the accepted rate of speed for a laden carriage and horse of four to eight miles per hour, Davidson and Margaret would have driven around an hour to get to church. It would have taken less time for them to go to BBC, but there is no proof that they ever did.

Back to Britta.

The first time we see her, she is living with her (probable) sister Mary Ann Green McKinney and brother-in-law J. P. McKinney in Shelby County in 1850. John P. is listed first, then Mary Ann, then all their children. Next comes Nancy Greene, 56, born NC, and finally Beauty or Britty Ann (McKinney--mistakenly). She is listed in a position usually associated with a sister of head of household and his family; she is also listed after Nancy, which may indicate that Nancy is her mother. But no family relationships are reported here.

In every following federal census, Britta's parents are listed as coming from either NC, SC, or both. Never GA or TN. Her obit states:

"She was a native Alabamian and was the widow of the late (B.A.?) Flynn,
of Gate City. Mrs. Flynn had spent practically all of her life in the
state- in the vicinity of Irondale and Gate City, and was very well
known in that region."

According to the federal censuses, she also lived in Shelby and Bibb Counties, as well as in Jefferson.

As far as I have been able to discover, there are no Greens or Greenes of the right ages and home states in Jefferson, Shelby, or Bibb Counties from 1850 on. There are, however, two Green families in St. Clair County who are the right ages and both partners come from either NC or SC. These are Abraham and Armetta Dill Green, and Burwell and Drucilla Jincey Crump Green. Both families have circumstantial ties to Britta, which I will explore in a future post.

And there are always the other possibilities, for example, that Nancy Greene is Britta's mother and her husband died prior to 1850, which is why Britta and Nancy are living with the McKinneys. Or that Nancy is the girls' aunt, and their parents died prior to 1850, leaving precious few clues to their identities.

But--is it POSSIBLE that Britta came from St. Clair County?

Considering the short distance to St. Clair from where she lived in 1860--

Considering the two pairs of the right ages and home states who match the profile of her parents in St. Clair at the right time--

Yes, it's possible.