These are the facts of Davidson's life.
Davidson McGuire was born between 1802 and 1804 in Georgia, probably Elberton, though I have seen no proof of this. His parents were probably Timothy McGuire, Sr., and Fanny (Frances) MNU (Maiden name unknown). By the 1820 US Census for AL the McGuires were living in Shelby County surrounded by family and soon-to-be family like the Kelleys and the Howards.
According to the Charles Kelley Bible, Davidson married Margaret Kelley in December 1822, when he was 18 - 20 and she was 14. Davidson may have been married previously because his first son Timothy's birthdate is most often given as January 1822. No matter. Margaret was the wife and mother who lasted.
In the 1830 US Census for AL, Davidson McQuire is listed in unknown townships in Shelby County. In the household are 2 males under 5 (James and Charles), 1 male 5 - 10 (Timothy), and one male 20 - 30 (Davidson, about 28). There are also two females 0 - 5 (Mary Jane and Elizabeth) and 1 female 15 - 20 (must be an error--Margaret Kelley would have been 22).
In April 1835 Davidson and Margaret joined the Mt. Hebron Baptist Church in Leeds, AL, "by letter," indicating that they had previously been members of another church. This information comes from the Hebron Church minutes stored at Samford Unversity in Birmingham, AL. Davidson was about 33.
In 1839 at age 37 Davidson bought 39.95 acres of land in Leeds, Jefferson County, formerly Shelby County; the county line had changed. It was a small though normal sized lot, and apparently the only one he ever bought. You'll find a copy of the original deed of sale at this website:
In 1840 Davidson had a run-in with the morals of the church. In December he was expelled for intoxication. The record reads: "Took up the case of Bro. McGuire and excluded him for drinking to (sic) much spirits." He was about 38.
In the 1840 US Census for AL Davidson Mc(space) Guire lived in an unnamed township in Jefferson County. In the household are seven males and 6 females. Males: two under 5 (Hiram K. and Robert), one 5 to 10 (John L.), three 10 - 15 (Charles, James, Timothy), one 30-40 (Davidson). Females: 2 under 5 (Alsy and Sarah), three 5-10 (Mary Jane, Elizabeth Jane, and Mahala), one 20-30 (Margaret Kelley).
In October 1849 Davidson rejoined the Hebron church and was "received by experience; Davidson McGuire, restored." Apparently this one took because he never left the church again. Margaret must have been pleased. He was about 47.
In the 1850 US Census for AL, Davison is 48, a farmer, has $500, born in GA. In his household are wife Margaret, 42, daughters Mahaly, 18, Sarah A, 15, Alsy, 13, Emily, 10, Amanda, 8, and Martha, 6. Also listed were sons John, 17, Robert, 12, Hiram, 11, and William, 3. Davison and wife are born in GA, all ten children in AL. In the 1850 State Census for AL, Davidson McGuire is listed in Jefferson County. In the household are 4 males under 21 (John, Robert, Hiram, William), one male over 21, one male over 45 (Davidson), six females under 21 (Mahala, Sarah, Alsy, Emily, Amnada, Martha), one female over 21 (Margaret). Total in the household is 12. No slaves, no insane.
In 1854 Davidson wrote a note to Judge Bagley of the Probate Court giving permission for son John to wed Britta Ann Green. The note proves that Davidson could write and sign his signature rather than a mark. In part it reads: "All is willing to it (the marriage)."
According to the 1860 Jefferson County, AL, Mortality Schedules, Margaret died in September 1859 of typhoid fever at age 51.
In the 1860 Census for AL, Davidson, 58, lived in the Cahaba Valley Precinct with Martha, 13, William 11, Thomas, 9, Robert F, 22, Hyrum (Hiram) K, 20, Emely 18, and Manda M., 16, Martha, 13, William H., 11, and Thomas, 9. He is a farmer with real estate valued at $900 and personal estate valued at $700.
Davidson died in 1861, about two years after Margaret.Of a broken heart?
A partial settlement of Davidson's will is mentioned in the Partial Settlement Records of Probate Court, Book A on LDS film #1064858, beginning in 1870. Jefferson County final record of estate 1866 - 1873 Index: Davidson McGuire, dec'd, p. 281-232 (should this be 281-282 or 231-232??) Found on Jefferson County website:
In it his administrator W. H. McLaughlin, husband of daughter Mary Jane, lists all the heirs who are still entitled to portions of Davidson's estate. Later in 1884, James McLaughlin, brother of W.H., husband of Axey/Alsy/Ailsie/Alice, notifies all possible heirs of another matter related to Davidson's estate.
Davidson lived a long fruitful life with lots of children. He named his children after family and friends. But not one of his children named a child after him. How sad.
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