Facts we know fer shure from the US Censuses:
Elizabeth was born in AL or GA about 1828. She was a wife and domestic. The various censuses list her name as Elizabeth, Eliza, E.E., and Louisa. No other names are associated with her in documents I have seen. The 1900 US Census says she was born Sept. 1828, married 52 years, 9 pregnancies, 7 living, born AL, parents born NC, speaks, reads, writes English. The 1880 US Census says her parents were born in SC and GA. She does not show up after the 1900 US Census.
Assuming the 1900 Census is correct, she has been Timothy's wife for 52 years, putting their marriage about 1848. Since their first living son William H. was born in October 1849, this seems realistic. I have not seen a proven date for their wedding anywhere. Has anyone seen one?
In the 1850 US Census for AL Timothy and Elizabeth are living in Jefferson County. Presumably they married in Jefferson, Shelby, or St. Clair County, possibly even Bibb County. These are the counties where they lived throughout their documented lives. It's also likely that they lived in the vicinity prior to getting married, but not proven.
As to Elizabeth's maiden name, I have seen her identified as Elizabeth Danielle. Is that a maiden name or a middle name? There's no documentation attached to the tree. Another tree identifies her as Eliza born 3 September 1828, died 19 February 1906. There are no sources attached to this entry. Then there's Elizabeth or Eliza Ann Roberts, born September 1828 who married a Timothy McGuire on 31 May 1842 in Davie County, NC., and died in Walker County in June 1910. There is plenty of documentation on this tree. Then there is Elizabeth Wilson on another tree with no documentation.
I'm eliminating Elizabeth Danielle simply because there is no documention. EM's middle name could have been Danielle, but without proof it's less likely. We have already seen that Eliza is one of EM's nicknames, but again, no sources. Eliza/Elizabeth Ann Roberts DID marry a Timothy McGuire in NC in 1842, but they are recorded as living in Davie County, NC, in 1850 with three children, and we already know that our Timothy is living in Jefferson County, AL, with Elizabeth and William H. So that eliminates Eliza Ann Roberts.
The final candidate is one that I reported on back in 2007:
According to St. Clair County Marriages 1818-1899 complied by Rubye Sisson:
“MORRIS, R. K. (married) MCGUIRE, MARTHA (on) 13 November 1879. Funeral records: Martha J. 06 Oct 1858 - 12 April 1939, buried at Seddon Cemetery. Father: Tim; mother, Eliza Wilson.”
So as far as I can tell, the wife of Timothy M. McGuire of Jeff, Shelby, and St. Clair Counties is Eliza/Elizabeth Wilson. In addition, there is a Benjamin Wilson in the right places at the right times with a daughter of the correct age, suggesting that he may be her father.
As to having two different wives, the 1900 Census says that T & E have been married 52 years, suggesting that there has been only one wife with the name Elizabeth/Eliza Louisa Wilson.
About the death date for Elizabeth/Eliza, there's one date of June 3, 1910, in Walker County. No sources. While there may have been an E. McGuire who died in Walker County in 1910, the AL Death List doesn't list it, and as we have seen, T & E were generally in the Shelby/JeffCo/St. Clair area, making this scenario unlikely. There is another death date of Feb 19, 1906, which seems very plausible to me, but alas! no documentation. Nor any for a birth date of 3 September 1828, which is also plausible.
Does anyone have documentation or proof of Elizabeth's birth and death dates?????
I hope I haven't offended anyone by putting forth my theories and documentation on Timothy and Elizabeth McGuire. I welcome any proof that challenges the information I've presented so that I can correct my own records. Thanks.
This material was originally published in the McGuire forum at Ancestry.com and Genforum.com in May 2010. Copyright May 2010 by AL Roots.
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