In the 1866 AL State Census Sarah McGuire is living in Jefferson County, AL. In the household are three males under 10, one male 10 - 20, one female 10 - 20 , and one female 20 - 30. Sarah would have been 33 or so, but the census taker made many age errors. Neighbors include her brother Edward Hurst and McGuire in-laws who married McLaughlins. It's important to note that she chose to stay near her McGuire in-laws after Charles died.
In the 1870 US Census for AL, S. A. McGuire is 36, keeping house, can read and write, born NC, $100. Also in the household are sons I. W., 13, R. I., 11, W.S., 9, and C.T. 7 (Charles T.). They are living next door to the in-law McLaughlins and Waldrop and all kinds of family.
After 1870 Sarah seems to disappear. Neither I nor anyone else seems to have found her in the 1880 US Census for AL, or any place, for that matter. She is not living with sons Isaac or William, and I can't find Charles and Robert. Barbara MS, a reliable McGuire researcher, has not found her, either.
The likelihood is that Sarah died before 1880, but I can't prove it. However, I can prove for sure that she was dead or incapacitated by 1884. In 1884 one of the McLaughlin in-laws instigates a court case that requires notification of all living heirs of Davidson McGuire. My ggggrandmother Britta Ann Green McGuire Flynn was served, even though she had remarried. However, only Charles's SONS are served, meaning that Sarah was either dead or incapacitated by then.
I often wonder if Sarah Ann Hurst and Britta Ann Green were friends. Their husbands Charles and John L. did things together. Maybe Sarah introduced her friend Britta to her fiancé's brother? Britta married John L. the Tuesday after Sarah and Charles got married in Jefferson County. If so, Sarah's loyalty was tested when Charles died. She remained near her McGuire in-laws while Britta moved away to be with her own family.
A hard life: married at 20, a widow at 30, and then she died young about 50, perhaps without seeing her grandchildren. So sad.
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