Saturday, May 29, 2010

Confirmed death date for Timothy McGuire, son of DM, born 1822

In the 1900 US Census for AL, T. M. McGuire lives with his daughter Zebba (T. Uzeba) and son-in-law John Gallups in District 130, Harpersville, Shelby County, AL. He is 78, born Jan 1822, married 52 years, born AL, parents born AL (wrong), speaks, reads, writes English. His wife Louisa is there, too. They've been married 52 years. She's born nine children, of whom seven are still living. (Speculation: They live next door to Hue (Hugh?) Hurst, who may be related to Sarah Ann Hurst, who married Timothy's brother Charles McGuire.)

I had seen death dates for Timothy and Elizabeth as early as 1904 and as late at 1910, but couldn't find any evidence to prove a date. Some public trees at seemed to have definite dates that were reasonable, but again, no documentation. Today I found T. M. McGuire 1822 - 1904 and E.E. McGuire 1828 - 1906 on the website in Seddon Cemetery, Pell City, St. Clair County, AL. The evidence to support these plots as their last resting place:

1. The initials T. M. and E. E. match Timothy M. and Elizabeth E. McGuire.

2. Timothy and Elizabeth lived most of their lives in St. Clair County.

3. According to various US Censuses, Timothy's birthdate ranges from January 1822 (1900 US Census) to 1825. Elizabeth's range from September 1828 to 1829. The dates on the headstone are: for T. M., 30 January 1822 - 17 April 1904; for E.E., September 3, 1829 - January 19, 1906. So the dates line up correctly.

4. According to St. Clair County Marriages 1818-1899 by Ruby Sisson at the Birmingham Public Library:

"MORRIS, R. K. (married) MCGUIRE, MARTHA (on) 13 November 1879. Funeral records: Martha J. 06 Oct 1858 - 12 April 1939, buried at Seddon Cemetery. Father: Tim; mother, Eliza Wilson."

An aside: There's a bit of a discrepancy here: Although we find Martha with Rufus Morris in Seddon, St. Clair County in 1900, they don't seem to be buried at Seddon Cemetery if one interprets the entry as Martha being buried in Seddon Cemetery, too. Rufus and Martha both died in Jefferson County in 1921 and 1939 respectively. Of course, the most likely explanation is that the listing at is not complete. This bears more scrutiny at a later date.

There's enough evidence here anyway to show that Timothy died in 1904 and Elizabeth died in 1906.

Happy hunting!

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